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EXEDY Friction Material is quick to respond after heavy rains and flooding in Thailand

Heavy rains on October 11, 2001, brought about floods in central Thailand, where EXEDY Friction Material (EFM) called on its employees to take action in order to help assemble and distribute care packages to those in need.

As Thailand battled through heavy rains last week, the floods in the Saraburi area have reportedly left over 800 homes under water and many people without food and other necessities. Workers gathered items to disperse among the people in need by going to shelters as well as cutting through flooded roads to reach two secluded towns that were running low on supplies.

While flooded fields and roads kept people from getting supplies, flooded homes forced families to move to the second floor of their houses in order to avoid the rising water. EFM employees were the first to respond by gathering supplies and goods and distributing them to the villagers in need. Tears of thanks and joy were shed by both those handing out supplies and those receiving them.